Who Are We?

1. We are a Catholic Church based on Scripture and tradition, which forms a unique expression of our Christian faith.

2. We are an Apostolic Church which preserves Apostolic Succession, meaning our present day bishops and priests extend in an unbroken line from the Apostles of Jesus Christ.

3. We are a Teaching Church holding classes in preparation for First Communion and Confirmation, the School of Christian Living for parish youth and adult bible study. We offer annual diocesan religious education seminars, youth retreats, summer church camp, and biennial national youth convocations.

4. We are a Sacramental Church believing that there are seven sacraments:

Baptism and Confirmation        
The Word of God, Heard and Preached
Holy Eucharist
Anointing of the Sick
Holy Orders
Holy Matrimony

5. We are a Democratic Church whose church property is owned and controlled by its members. Each parish sends its priest and elected delegates to diocesan and national synods (assemblies) to vote on spiritual matters in addition to church policies and procedures. Individual parishes are governed by a Parish Committee elected by the members who also have the right to vote at annual Parish Meetings.

6. We are a Non-Papal Church with a Prime Bishop elected by Church members and the clergy. Our Prime Bishop heads the church nationally while regional leadership is given by the diocesan bishops.

7. We are a Responsive Church meeting our member’s religious needs through the celebration of Holy Mass, other religious services, and the administration of the sacraments. Many other church organizations meet social and fellowship needs.

8. We are an Ecumenical Church cooperating with other churches and organizations to make our community a better place.                                       
9. We are a Counseling Church whose pastors are available to help people experiencing spiritual, family or personal problems. Parishioners also extend moral and spiritual support to each other.

10. We are a Worshipful Church encouraging regular attendance at Mass on Sundays and holy days of obligation. Other religious services give members the opportunity to praise and honor God.

11. We are a Welcoming Church whose doors are open to everyone. No one is denied the freedom to worship with us. Those who share our beliefs are welcome to take part in the sacraments.